Pimples, Acne, Constipation, Acidity are all very common problems and very much related with each other. If one need to control pimples only external applications won't suffice. You need to catch root of the problem and solve it which is most of the times acidity and constipation in most of the cases. So when you treat constipation all others are automatically solved.
Tanvi Herbals bring proven properties of Triphala in their product 'Tanvitrifla Satva Tablets' which will handle all this and more. Tanvitrifla tablet is a mild laxative & liver tonic. Being a concentrate, its small pinch size Tanvitrifla tablet is enough whereas 1 big teaspoon trifla powder is required. Powder gives nauseatic feel, vomiting & removes tonuge taste. Instead of that everybody likes taking tiny Tanvitrifla tablet are effective & concentrated treatment without bitter taste & easy to use for all.Tanvitrifla tablet is an eye tonic on eye pain, burning, blur vision, reddish eyes, spects etc. on different eye complaints it can be taken with other Tanvi Combinations.