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Use under medical supervision.
Vekhand, Belkachari, Suran, Chitrak and Hirda relieve constipation and regulate bowel movement.
Kuda, Indrajav, Vekhand, Sunth and Mire improve liver function, relieve portal congestion and also have anti-flatulent action.
Suran, Chitrak, Mochras and Shankh Jeera improve tone of anal region.
Belkachari, Kajjali, Kuda, Suran and Indrajav possess healing properties, they also overcome stasis.
Nagkeshar, Kuda, Indrajav, Mochras,Suran and Kajjali possess haemostatic and styptic action.
Dosage one tablet daily for up to 1 month, based on doctor’s advice.