Quick Overview
Fever and common cold
Tulsi drops are also having a good germicidal agents and a disinfectant & helps the human body from all types of viral infections, high temperature, malaria and dengue
Cough and Respiratory Problems
It helps to mobilize mucous in bronchitis and asthma attacks. It is an effective remedy against bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cold and sore throat. Tulsi drops also helps in cough and flu
General debility
Tulsi has all the vital nutrients that are required for the body. It has excellent antioxidant properties and help in strengthening cells, tissues, organs of the body.
Sexual problems
Tulsi has a lot of vital nutrients that are requirement by body for maintain performance, vitality, stamina, hence regular use of Tulsi drops will maintain the sexual strength also.
Aging Effects
Daily intake of Tulsi drops may delay process of aging by strengthening the cells of the body
Kidney stone
In case of renal stones, the consumption of Tulsi drops mixed with honey may be helpful to move out stones through the urinary tract. Tulsi have also strengthening effects on the kidneys
Uric Acid
Tulsi being a detoxifying agent can also helps in uric acid levels
Heart Problems
Tulsi also contains Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants such as Eugenol which is useful for the heart from harmful effects of free radicals, maintain blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
Children’s ailments
Common paediatric problems like cough, cold diarrhea and vomiting respond favorably to Tulsi drops. If a baby is given Tulsi drops regularly before teething, it may helps grow teeth easily without any of the usual teething troubles.