This Tailark is made from Bhallatak (Semicarpus ana-cardium) 3X-1.25%; Tumba (Leucas cephalotes) 3X- 1.25% Whole quantity of Tailark (extract) should be shaked and mixed with 100 ml. of and shaked vigorously for 5 mins. It gives extremely good results in Vata Vikar. In sprain, cramps, numbness, cold extremities, excessive body heat, backache, oil should be applied over the affected part and massaged over the spine. Cotton pad soaked in the oil should be placed or oil should be gently massaged in case of oedema of any origin. Gently applied on a blunt injury, contusions, sprains, burns, wound, abscess or any painful area. In case of Otorrhoea, oil prepared in castor oil should be put in ear after cleaning thoroughly. To arrest the bleeding (haemorrhage) instantly, a oil soaked swab should be placed over the bleeding wound. In case of inflamed piles, an oil soaked swab is to be placed in the anal canal and also applied externally. This relieves the symptoms and the swab falls off during next defaccation. Being very useful, this oil should always be kept handy.