Keva Strawberry Facial Scrub is the pure and natural herbal product which is made with the natural fruits and the major ingredient is strawberry seeds. This scrub is manufactured by using real strawberry seeds which are blended with the other natural ingredients like walnut shell powder, and another mix fruit extract but the major quantity of the strawberry is used for the manufacturing of the facial scrub. The strawberry seeds give the immediate result after the use of this facial scrub, it makes the healthy, and smooth skin. Strawberry has Vitamin C so it helps to make the skin pores tight and naturally it shows the astringent property. After the use of this facial scrub, it makes the skin fresh, healthy, glowing. It changes the skin tone and texture from dark to bright and makes the skin’s texture pure and natural. By the regular use of this facial scrub, the skin will go on brighten and shiner.