Keva Neem Capsule is an Ayurvedic and herbal formulation, majorly used for skin problems. This capsule has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, blood purifying and antiseptic properties. Neem is an important ingredient to reduce skin related problems. The consumption of neem leaves help to reduce the pimples on the face and it also helps to improve the digestion.
It helps to remove the worms from the intestine, use to decrease and maintain the blood glucose level, helps to reduce the ulcers and rashes from the skin. When a person feels pain in gums, neem can prove to be very useful. Neem twigs can be used to provide relief during cough and other breathing conditions.
It acts as an astringent. It helps to heal the wound properly, neem leaves are crushed and make the paste to heal the wound. All these properties are found in the Keva Neem Capsule and holds the potential to improve problems related to any kind of body part.