Keva fever care syrup is launched by Keva Industries is the blend of the various herbs which helps to cure the fever and the related symptoms. It helps to cover the symptoms such as sweating, shivering, headache, muscle aches, and high fever.
As per the Ayurveda belief, fever is the body's way offending off an infection, a process that should be allowed to run its course. Certain treatments can be employed to boost up the immune system, giving it more strength against the invaders that may cause a fever.Keva Fever care syrup is the utmost cure for fevers & reduced immunity. It also keeps body free from risk of fevers, bad cold, and body aches frequently. If you suffer with these, you need a treatment that will target each of your symptoms.
Keva Fever Care Syrup is a special blend of the herbs which has been designed to complement the body’s natural ability to provide fast, safe, and effective comfort for pain, fever, headache, body aches and other discomforts associated with fever.