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Brand: Keva
Product: Agro 80 Plus
Form: litre
Quantity: 1.00
As a result of that, the crops, fruits and vegetables are protected from diseases, pests and unwanted herbs, resulting in more productive yield.
Prepare a solution with any of the above and water. Follow, the mixing instructions recommended by the pesticide/ defoliators and insecticides, fertilizer/ foliar fertilizer manufacturer. Mix 5 ml of product (¼ capful) per 15 liters of pesticide or foliar fertilizer solution. Spray normally on the crop.
With Post – Emergent Herbicides: Make a solution of post- emergent herbicide to be used with water in the spray tank. Follow the mixing instruction recommended by the herbicide manufacturer. Then mix 20 ml. Keva Agro 80 Plus (1 capful) per 15 liters of post emergent herbicide solution. Spray normally on the crop.
It can also be utilized in 45 spray tanks of 25-30 liters capacity each for herbicides or 200 spray tanks of 30 liter capacity for fungicides, insecticides, foliar fertilizers, defoliators and plant nutrients..
At the time of Irrigation :Mix 160 ml of product in at least 80 liters of water for every acre of land you want to irrigate, Spray this mix on the land you want to irrigate at least 12 hrs in advance before irrigating it.Taking care of benefits delivered by this can be gauged by the fact that a single 1 Ltr bottle of Keva Agro 80 Plus will be ample to irrigate more than 4 to 5 acres of land.